Andy Bullock with the original Nightwatcher™ sculpture prototype
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
A Nightwatcher™ (witness) print
A Nightwatcher™ (witness) print
A NIghtwatcher™ propaganda (by order) poster print
A NIghtwatcher™ propaganda (by order) poster print
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
An original Nightwatcher™ acrylic on canvas painting
The original (signed) photo-illustration for the Nightwatcher™ design registration
The original (signed) photo-illustration for the Nightwatcher™ design registration

More about the release
1 Notes

The Nightwatcher™ sculpture and image are central to the 'WHO FEEDS THE MACHINE? / Mass Observation' project; the largest single body of work yet undertaken by the artist.

The focus of the work lies with Bullock's interest in the increasing use of AI and deep-surveillance technology in today's digital propaganda.

This is art about AI; not AI art.

The Nightwatchers™, with their distinctive camera-like heads and abstract humanoid forms, serve as a metaphor for real-world issues prompting us to question how our data is collected, how it is used … and who controls it.

They are a constant reminder of the all-pervasive deep-surveillance culture that we have no option but to live within; a world where we are constantly followed in the online and offline worlds.

Our digital tracks can be monitored via our browser histories and our real-world offline movements are often the focus of CCTV cameras; powered by facial recognition software they silently watch from above in our towns and cities, add to that the accuracy of GPS to pinpoint our precise location through our cellphone networks and there is precious little truly private space left.

It is the collective fear and paranoia that this society engenders that is at the heart of the Nightwatcher™ concept.

In 2025 Big Brother is doing more than just watching us.

This initial Metalabel release is for a limited edition print of the original IPO (Intellectual Property Office) photo-illustrations created for the design registration, along with a copy of the original trademark certificate for the Nightwatcher™ brandname in the artist's name (both signed and numbered in pencil).

Following this edition there will be subsequent releases of Nightwatcher™ art from the project including the 'Propaganda Posters (by order)' series and the 'Nightwatcher (witness)' series - see website for all examples and more info - and visit for the artist's main studio site containing his extensive archive.

Release Notes (1)

The Nightwatchers™ series

The Nightwatchers™ are the agents of AI, scraping data from the online and offline worlds. Follow the story through the releases here on Metalabel .... more soon. Andy B

Record details

Art, Design, Culture
Release Date
25 March 2025
Catalog Number

Birth of the Nightwatchers™

Created by

The Nightwatchers™ are an original art/sculpture concept by Andy Bullock MFA. In the 'imagined mythology' he has created they are the agents of AI, existing in the multiverse, scraping data from the online and offline worlds. This release represents the Nightwatchers™ in the original registered design images for the UK Intellectual Property Office.

Limited run of 50